October 5, 2020 12:19 pm

RiVR and Invited guests from some of Coventry and Warwickshire’s leading employers attended an exclusive interactive event demonstrating how technology can work side by side with employees to take businesses to the next level
The event was organised by Business Solutions, the commercial arm of the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s Growth Hub, in partnership with Warwick Events and Coventry-based factory automation specialists FANUC UK.
Ollie Gallant was the keynote speaker and delivered a very powerful talk on how companies need to embrace the new technology available in the current market place. RiVR then demonstrated the 360 videos they have produced for TUI holidays allowing customers in holiday shops to experience what its like on their cruise ships and the extra leg room you can enjoy in premium class on its 787 Dreamliner. You can view some of this video content below but its much better to experience it on a head sets in one of the TUI shops across the UK.
RiVR also demonstrated the latest Fire Investigation scenario created in partnership with Leicestershire Fire and Rescue service and Paul Speight. You can find out more about this experience in the latest BBC Click episode below.
Paul Speight from LFRS and Mike Ferguson from DSTL hosted BBC click last week and took them on an immersive tour of the photorealistic, interactive scenarios they have been creating in partnership with RiVR
If you want to find out about the services RiVR offers please visit the website for more videos of projects we’ve worked on www.rivr.uk
or email alex.harvey@rivr.uk